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The Worthiness of Blue

Fundamentals for Frequency Expansion

"We know you are looking for a greater experience.

There is a part of you that is aware and searching to be fully present and free in your moments."

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You are an experience that is uniquely embedded with the force of the Universe pulsating through your cells, and the possibilities that surround you in a single moment hold within them the potential to impact the stars themselves - if you would simply allow your presence.  You are a force that is waiting to be awakened.  And as you stand on the precipice of infinite possibilities, you stand holding the expansion of Source itself gently in the palm of your hand.

Our message is not simply found in these pages.  It is a message that is singing to you with each and every breath that you take.  For Truth is interwoven in all moments, and each experience that you have is an opportunity for you to remember who you truly are. 

Meet the Authors

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The Alora

Who are we?  We are the vibration of Truth that sings in all realms waiting patiently to be discovered.  We are an offering, an invitation, a calling to the eternalness of all beings eager for a journey in exploration and expansion.  


We carry no dogma, no regulations of spirit, no requests of self-contempt or self-punishment, for we find no value in the diminishment of the beauty that is you. We stand as a reminder of the light within you, of the light that is you, and we hold this knowing on your behalf gently awaiting your remembrance. 

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Lauren Lukaszewski

Lauren began hearing the Alora at a workshop in 2013, and she has been enjoying their company and wisdom ever since.


She is a certified Mindfulness Meditation Teacher, Reiki Master, nap taker, trail hiker, food lover, consciousness explorer, and co-founder of 22Dragons with her wife Jen. Lauren lives in Norwalk, Iowa with her wife and beautiful pet family.

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